Seeking the right questions make you inherently human!

Who are we?

We are the link between marketer and consumers.  We provide business, branding and communication design services.

What we do?

We develop meaningful brand associations.

How old are we?

We are born everyday but with time 35 years old.

What are we practicing?

Design Thinking, Design Research & Design Management

Who is in our team?

We have permanently employed What, Why, How , When and where?

What do we offer? For whom?

We offer business, branding and brand communication solutions for 

  • -Startup
  • -Enhance existing business 
  • -Re-imagining business
  • -New Business Innovation

We need to question why marketeers exist; and for whom? What problem does this business solve for the market and the consumer ?

Our edge is deep empathy and using our design process we identify where your business problem lies and how we can transform it by design. We aim to create a meaningful brand association and favourable business proposition for the entire value chain.

So, if you’re a start-up, or want to enhance your existing business, or totally re-imagine your business model, we can play a vital role by achieving your business objectives and goals.

What are our services ?

Our seven step Design process to develop your business and brand

1.Business Core Design:

Discover what you feel you know and don’t know about yourself, your team and business.

95% of our decision are made subconsciously” Dr. Daniel Kahneman , Israeli psychologist and economist.

Deliverables :

Discover what your business intent, motivation and passion means to you and how your stakeholders perceives the same?

Find the gap between the way you think and the way you do your business?And the impact on your business decisions.

Define who you are? What do you do? Why do you do the way you do?

Why your business exists: What problem your business is trying to solve with the market and consumers?

Brand vision and Mission declaration: Where you need to reach by doing what?

2.Business Journey Mapping:

Get prepared for your present and future business. 

If we don’t know which areas we need to improve how can we improve? correct?.


We will direct your business on the scope, recommendations and actions considering rational and emotional gaps, opportunities on the essential business facets.

3. User Research Design:


In today’s world of hyper personalisation, It is vital to empathise with your consumer and understand how they choose what and why?

Today, all the business directions and decisions are totally depends only on how truly we understand our customer.

Who are they what he/she wants to do and what is their end goal.


Deliverables –

Report on what they think, feel and expect from the category, competition, brand and the offered solutions.

4.Service Design:

Organise and improve your business performance and experiences.

A good design strategy is about minimising rational and emotional interdependencies of the entire value chain.The success is the result of it.

Deliverables –

Directions on the Scope, Recommendations and Actions on how to satisfy and manage the business needs, wants and its end goals considering the present and future status of your business. (Synthesizing Business Functions- Management, Finance, Product Innovation and Development, Human Resource, Marketing, Branding , Communication , Operations , Sales, Customer Care)

5.Product Development & Innovation:

One of the key differentiator and success factors of your business.

To be competitive and ahead of the market and evolving consumer needs, wants and aspirations.

Deliverables –

End to end directions of how to attain the desirability, viability and feasibility of product and market sustenance

6.Brand Identity Design:

Let market and consumers know who you are and what you can do for them?

Don’t just speak tell your story!

Deliverables –

Brand name | Logo design | Brand Promise | Brand positioning | Corporate branding
Presentation template | Newsletter template | Packaging Design | Signage Design | Internal & External signs | Vehicular Branding | Merchandise Design | Work wear I Uniforms Mugs, Coasters, Pens, Notepads | Environmental design | Extension of the brand language into the workspace | Branding for specific brand interaction spaces

Concise Corporate Identity Manual

The Manual provides the rules of how the identity is constructed and meant to be applied across various applications.

How can we influence and persuade the target segments to receive our product, service or an idea into their consideration mode?

Subsequently, a communication strategy needs to be designed to align with your business goals. A strong market positioning, and media strategy would help create the right image and association leading to a meaningful brand association.

7. Brand Communication Design:

Derive the reason why your prospect consumer will choose your business solutions.

Develop the brand imagery and favourable association which market and consumer would love to tell the story.

Subsequently, a communication strategy needs to be designed to align with your business goals. A strong market positioning, and media strategy would help create the right image and association leading to a meaningful brand association.

Deliverables –

Sale and Marketing Collaterals-Internal: | Verbal branding- Identifying the right word play to represent relevant company information | Company Profile

Corporate brochure: A digital and print version of important corporate information

Brand Book:A more relevant vibrant and employee friendly alternative to boring induction manuals.

Brand sales pitch: Making the sales pitch in sync with the brand story

Website: Design intervention to make the existing website in sync with the branding exercise. Content development if required in the appropriate Brand tone of voice

Brand film | Corporate AV: Conceptualization, script development and creative supervision of a brand film to depict the brand philosophy and vision.


Brand Communication Template:

To facilitate communication opportunities that can show up immediately after the brand creation exercise, an ad template would be designed with guidelines.

Deliverables –

Franchisee | Retail Kit | Marketing Collaterals-External: Brand Campaign (Both B2B & B2C)

Campaign idea development| Campaign Design: Print Outdoor Radio TVC | Campaign extension to other Media

Exhibition design | PR | Events | Tactical communication | Sales promotion material | Exhibition collateral | Product catalogue | Product flier.


Digital Marketing Design:

Identifying the specific consumer need is the key to business decisions, as now data is the future!
Follow them 24 by 7.

Deliverables –

Social media communication and media plan |SEO | Content Marketing | Social Media | Pay Per Click | Affiliated Marketing | Native advertising |Marketing Automation |Email marketing | Online PR | Inbound Marketing

What does design and business means to us ?

What do you mean by Business Design?

Business Design is stakeholder centric approach. It applies and practice the principles of design to help organizations create new value for category, Market and the Users by solving their problems. At its core, Business Design is the integration of business strategy ( competitive edge) ,market viability, user empathy and experience.


What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is sensing the context of what and why you are doing?For Whom? And how you can deliver the same? And Why the whom will believe in you?


What is corporate Strategy?

Is a focus.It is often the contemplation of the vision.It is a strategic plan to decide in which category, with what Market share, how much growth is anticipated and what value creation achieved for all the stakeholders.

What is Business Strategy?

Business strategy is having a insight how to sustain the competitive edge and the profit.

Be it Market,Technology, Research and development, Product, Price, Service,Consumer experience,Branding or  Brand Communication.


What do you mean by Marketing Strategy

Knowing your customer needs wants and aspirations. Aligning Product, Pricing, Channels, branding and brand communications, Sales Leads and conversion , Customer experience and importantly ROI supporting overall business goals and objectives

Thanks for reading our faqs, if you have any questions/suggestions, please email us at